Whale Fall Oracle Somatic Decomposition Tarot SPECIAL from January 20th - February 28th, 2025!
IG live kickoff @mayfieldbrookz 7pm on MLK Day - January 20th, 2025
Click the link below to request a reading and donation rates. Readings on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays!
The Whale Fall Oracle communes with whales and galavants through time and space. Using Whale wisdom, intuition and tarot, the Whale Fall Oracle helps earthlings follow their intuition and decompose their bullshit.
The Whale Fall Oracle made their debut as an interspecies & interplanetary mediator at CPR-Center For Performance Research in NYC.
The video is a commercial for the Whale Fall Oracle Help Line that was broadcast on CPR’s Instagram Live @cprnyc from June 14-17th 2021.
The Whale Fall Oracle is available by appointment for one on one sessions, events, gallery and museum shows, birthday parties, full moon, weddings, ceremonies etc.
The Whale Fall Oracle is an extraordinary seer “through bullshit.” Rates and fees vary.