Currently I am working on the third chapter of the Whale Fall Performance cycle which focuses on lineages of touch, entanglement and the ruse of romance. One of the greatest dangers to whales is entanglement in fishing gear or by-catch. Humans seem to misunderstand their relationship to how entangled we are with the romance and demise of these majestic sea mammals. Humans also fall prey to their own romantic notions of touch and sensation. I want to explore the ruse of romance in relation to other mammals (namely whales)—its dangers, its historical relation with black bodies and how to perhaps stage a romance rebellion that allows for inter-species care and relation beyond the human.
Stuff that might be found in a belly of a whale that came from or touched my body
Synthetic braids
Yoga mat
coffee cup
Glass jars
Bowel movement
Stream of piss
Plastic water bottle
Kombucha bottle
Desk lamp
Ikea Bed frame
Leather couch
Ikea Mattress
Green nikes
Synthetic white slip
Kitchen chair
Pots and pans
Candy wrapper
Plastic Hanger
Shampoo bottle
Toilet Seat
Hair Ties.
12/13/2023. Beach 74, Far Rockaway NYC.
Pod Manifesto
We will not let you survive your graveyards of excess
We will not be your fossil for fuel
We will not be your trash receptacles
We will not be your circus act
We will not be your Free Willy
We will not be your stuffed animal
Some of us are loved
Some of us are shy
Some of us are weapons
Some of us are wise
We will turn off your lights
We will put you to sleep
We will haunt your dreams
We will swallow you whole
We will break your windows
We will erase your memories
Some of us are loved
Some of us are shy
Some of us are weapons
Some of us are wise
We are leviathan
We are pod
We are many
We are one
Performance, film, zines & sound